Every day encounters...

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My world..

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Currently, and by that, I mean as I type this blog post, I am sitting in an Anthropology class taught by the worst professor probably of all time. Aside from the fact that I have decided she is pro Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups she is also incapable of teaching which is her primary source of income. When someone sucks dick at their job I loose respect for them as a person. Like you worked your...

Monday, February 24, 2014

On this wintery day, there is still a little snow on the floor, yet its sunny out, this is the perfect look! This look is getting me out of bed this morning, after pressing snooze 25 times. ...

Sunday, February 23, 2014

When your Saturday night starts at 12am, which is basically Sunday, you can already assume you are not going to have as much as fun as you would have had, if you would have gotten your shit together a good three hours earlier. Fact. You'll still have fun, but a different kind of fun. After being slumped on my couch an entire day, eating endlessly in a large Hanes t-shirt, and watching way too much...

Friday, February 21, 2014

I am hungover.....The day after an event. An event where everyone you have ever known, presently know, or will know, is there. When going to such a party, its imperative that you look perfect from head to toe but not over the top. You don't want to stand out, yet you want people to be like "She looks amazing" when you walk by. You want the woman at the event to not be worried your outfit is the reason...

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