Every day encounters...

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Have not written in a while because so much has happened in such a small period of time. I left my company, graduated, summer has started and I have become a temporary house wife. I am really soul searching and trying to figure out my next move. But for now, the popular consensus has been that I am soul searching too hard. I need to stop taking myself so seriously and just chill with it. As easy as that sounds, it actually is not easy at all. I have all these high expectations for myself, which is definitely a product of what I have been told my whole life. I am nervous to start something that won't work out and then have to start again. And I tend to think so hard its exhausting, I try to think all the way till the finish line which is unhealthy. Life does not have a designated finish line, it is a constant work in progress. This post is definitely alot more serious than anything I have ever blogged about, but just bare with me during this crisis so when I come with the good news, that I have figured it all out, the news will be that much better. What is really alarming with that entire sentence is that, does anyone ever really figure it all out? Everywhere I look it seems like people are "figuring it out." When does one turn the "figuring" into past tense, "figured"?


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