Every day encounters...

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My world..

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Keep your heels, head and Standards High.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Is it normal to have a midlife crisis at 23? A full on midlife crisis.
From what I googled, it appears to be the ab-norm, as 23 is not your mid life. I guess that would make me the ab-norm. Thanks for that confirmation Google, as if this is something new to me.
Back to my midlife crisis; I am unhappy at school, I am unhappy with everything I have to wear in my closet. My friends are all pissing me off, my favorite sibling is not my favorite anymore, my business that I worked two years to build is of no interest to me anymore and I even find myself hating my hair color. I am graduating from college with a 3.9 GPA and even that is pissing me off!!! I have a great life and I should really be quite happy, so the only explanation for all this negativity is that I am having a midlife crisis.
I think this is due to the lack of passion I'm putting into all the aspects of my life. Lets not confuse passion with effort, I put in A+ effort but A+ effort into something I have zero passion about. (That is not a contradiction.)
I have never been one of those people that was super passionate about anything, and maybe that is the issue. The only things that I ever had a deep liking for was shopping and I am too logical of a person to plan on shopping for the rest of my life, let alone try to make a living out of it. With all that being said, I am about to embark on a journey to find my passion in life.

-XO I need to start my journey. (AKA pour myself an alcoholic beverage and do some studying.)

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