Every day encounters...

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My world..

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Keep your heels, head and Standards High.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The most frustrating thing someone can ask is, "Can I borrow that?" Even if that question is followed with a billion compliments, I will still want to kill you.
This blog excludes close friends, obviously. Even though, I prefer if close friends do not ask me if they can borrow any designer shoe, statement dress, or designer bag, as I will have to say no and we will probably be in a silent war for a week or two.
When acquaintances, Facebook friends, mutual friends, distant relatives, and random strangers decide it is okay to ask if they can borrow my personal clothing it bewilders me. I acknowledge that its gutsy and they must have been desperate if they mustered up the courage to even ask. But then I think, maybe they thought that was actually a normal thing to ask and it aggravates me even more. Like under what circumstance would I want to lend a dress I spent money and time on to a complete stranger? Once this stranger wears MY dress, why would I want to wear it?
Like, go get your own taste and your own clothing.

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